WLW Hossie " a.k.a. Mark Matthews"
Talk Show Transcription

- Barnside, the Third editor in this effort.
- Hello, This transcript was to appear on Hossie's Web Page back in
1998/99. George Died before this transcript could reach it's final
destination on the Inter-net.
- As far as I know I'm the only person legally at this time to post any of
Hossie's works prior to and / or after his death.
- No contact with his family has been made since my visit with George's
Sister and Brother-in-Law in Redmond Washington in 1997.
- I've done my best to correct any format problems and converted this
document to an easy to read format.
- I wish to thank all those involved and who have participated in the
final draft(s) of this Transcript; They are duly noted below and throughout
this transcript so there is no point in repeating their names.
- All material contained at this site is copyrighted and was used by
permission from
- the author prior to his death August 1999 - a Grinning Horse Production
©1999, 2000
- No text, comments or prior editors notes from of this transcript have
been added to, altered or deleted. It is in it's original commentary as
delivered to me. except for legibility, Grammar and obvious spelling errors
a Grinning Horse Production © 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002
June 6, 2002
- (NOTE: Snufferbux and Fishhook did a lot of work transcribing the
WLW radio talk show where I appeared this past January. They did as perfect
and exact a job as possible, including vocal pauses such as "uh," "er," etc.
We normally filter out such things when we're conversing, but they're there.
Try listening closely to two people talking, sometime, particularly when
it's a question-and-answer situation. READING all those fillers, though,
will quickly wear thin since we aren't used to skipping them with out eyes
the way we do with our ears. Therefore, the transcript has been edited -- by
me -- to smooth the style. Pauses are left in when needed for emotional
indication. -- Hossie)
- ( A great big THANK YOU goes to these fine zoos who did their best to
catch it all! )
- At last the transcript of your WLW interview is done! Fishhook and I
transcribed it. It is as exact as we could make it, with all the pauses and
ums and ahs and ers and hems and haws and everything. If you want to clean
it up so that it looks like a Playboy interview that's up to you; we
wouldn't presume.
- Fishhook has been trying and trying to post it to ASB but it never seems
to get there, so I'm mailing it to you. Snufferbux
- Well, folks, here it is: The long-awaited Hossie interview. This time,
it comes in it's complete form. (some assembly required) Enjoy!
- BTW: Any help in filling in the missing parts in the first part of it
would be appreciated. I couldn't tune the station until roughly 9:20 ( Show
started at 9:00 ) so I wasn't able to backstop for Philo. If you've got a
clear tape of it, and can fill in the parts he couldn't get, please do, and
mail it to me.
- The breaks between parts are done at commercial breaks, etc, so it
should flow fairly nicely.
- Transcript from the "Hossie" interview of 06-Jan. 1995 on WLW In
Cincinnati OH.
- Editor's Note: This transcript is being made from a tape which is known
to be incomplete/badly edited for commercial removal. If you know of a
better copy, please E-MAIL (not post here) to the address listed above if
you can get it to me somehow.
- RP: Is Bill Cunningham, announcer/commentator WLW In Cincinnati OH.
- Segman, or sometimes "Seg" is "Segman Dennison" (Spelling questionable),
Bill's sports announcer.
- Hossie: Is of course, the man we all wanted to hear.
- Other: Callers. Names used as I heard them.
- <....> denotes sound-bites or notations on lost words, etc, unless
noted as Ed. commentary (and there are few of those...)
- Places where I lost the signal, blew the cut-in from a commercial, or
whatever other reason I am unable to make out a word or words are indicated
by the symbol <x?x> where x is a digit indicating:
- <1?1> Signal fade/static/other poor signal problem.
- <2?2> Bad cut leaving or returning from commercials.
- <3?3> Ran out of tape... oops!
- <4?4> I dunno... I just can't figure out what's being said ( Maybe
too many speakers at once, the sound-bites burying the words, etc. )
- Note that this "system" gets dropped part way through the transcript in
favor of more descriptive notations, like "<Lost signal>", etc. So sue
me. It seemed like a good idea at the time...
- I'm not even going to TRY to fill in the blanks unless I get a better
tape of the broadcast. I don't want to bungle it and put words in Hossie's
(or any body's) mouth that weren't there to begin with.
- If it sometimes reads poorly, remember: I did as close to a verbatim
transcription as I could, including all the "empty noise sounds" that people
make when they are speaking. I don't want to change inflections or shades of
meaning by wrongly taking out or replacing those sounds that are often
rather important to the meaning, even though they themselves carry no
inherent information.

- <Note from Second Editor (Philo Therion): My tape is no better than
Dakidd's, but I have some parts that he lost, so I've filled in those parts.
Quotes read on the air are verified in my copy of the book. The first 20
minutes or so are from my tape.>

- <Note from Second Editor (Philo Therion): My tape is no better than
Dakidd's, but I have some parts that he lost, so I've filled in those parts.
Quotes read on the air are verified in my copy of the book. The first 20
minutes or so are from my tape.>

- [Transcribed by Philo Therion]
- [Third editor: Barnside June 6, 2002]
- <Behind station ID, we hear the theme of the old "Lone Ranger" radio
- show>
- RP: Alright, the book is becoming a best seller, the name, is "The
Horseman, Obsessions of a Zoophile" author is Mark Matthew's who is with us,
this evening, 1994 publication date out of New York. It begins in the
Foreword. <reading from book> "The first recorded instance of
bestiality [RP pronouncing it "beastiality"] in this country took place in
1642, in a village near Plymouth Colony. Thomas Granger, a 16-year old
servant confessed and was found guilty of having sex with a mare, a cow, two
goats, five sheep, two calves, and a turkey. All the animals involved were
slaughtered and burned in a great pit, ...
- <horse-whinny sound bite>
- ... although there was difficulty in identifying the exact five sheep (
who were guilty ). Granger himself was executed on September 8, 1642."
- RP: Mark Matthews, how are ya?
- Hossie: Oh, just a bit chilly, but otherwise feeling quite - quite
honored actually to be on one of the few clear-channel stations left in the
- RP: It's unbelievable, and we do have a letter here that you sent
relative to your desire to be on the big one, and I guess you listened to us
years and years ago, is that correct?
- Hossie: Yes, back in the '50's, one of my favorite programs was "Music
'Till Dawn", I believe it was American Airlines, sponsored that.
- RP: What was the name of it?
- Hossie: "Music 'Till Dawn."
- RP: "Music 'Till Dawn." Boy, well we now have "The Bozo 'Till Dawn". I
guess times have changed.
- Hossie: *laughs*
- RP: But Mark, I've read some of your book, and, ... let's talk about
this. When did you... recall, you're 42 years old, is that correct?
- Hossie: 43.
- RP: 43, ya live in Missouri,
- Hossie: Right.
- RP: Which is a good state I guess for this kinds of ac, kind of
- Hossie: Well it is, it's one where I won't wind up in prison
- because of it.
- RP: Yeah. Uh. Oh, they don't have laws against having
- sex with animals in Missouri?
- Hossie: No.
- RP: Okay. When did ...
- Hossie: There are several states that don't.
- RP: Well, when did you first have feelings toward horses and other farm
- Hossie: Actually it started when I was a teenager in junior high school,
- RP: Oh.
- Hossie: And was more of a reaction against ... against the girls of the
town, or, the female half of the human race in general, I didn't, I never
did particularly like the boys, but I got mad at the girls, so what was left
was the livestock.
- <Hiyo Silver sound-bite>
- RP: Now, what did the women, what did the girls do in your town there,
that caused you, to turn to farm animals?
- Hossie: They did, pretty much normal teenage-girl things for the
mid-sixty, sixties, including, oh, laughter, humiliation, various mind games
that they played on the, on all the boys, not just me ...
- RP: Yeah,
- Hossie: And, I decided that the, the game wasn't worth the candle so to
- RP: Okay, now when did you first have your first sexual experience with
a farm animal?
- Hossie: Seventeen years old.
- RP: You were seventeen, and what animal did you choose?
- Hossie: By more or less coincidence I found myself with a Shetland
- mare available,
- <Hiyo Silver sound-bite>
- Hossie: ...and attractive, and so we did.
- RP: When you say "attractive", what is attractive sexually about a
Shetland mare?
- Hossie: several things. The the odor for one, for me. In fact,
biochemical researchers who are working with pheromones, the chemicals
that...<RP: yeah> ...affect behavior... <RP: yeah> ...have found
that horse sexual pheromones affect humans much more strongly than human
sexual pheromones.
- RP: E-uh.
- Hossie: The only, the only reason that people aren't out in an orgy in
the pastures all the time is that the horses produce much less of the
pheromones than humans do.
- RP: OK, so the smell of a Shetland mare, this particular Shetland mare,
gave you some sexual arousal, what else did that Shetland mare have, maybe
it was...
- Hossie: Well, she was a pinto, and really pretty ...
- RP: What color hair?
- Hossie: Black and white,
- RP: Black and White?
- Hossie: Mm-hm.
- RP: And what about the curvature of the spine or her... <1?1> or
- <1?1> Signal fade/static/other poor signal problem.
- Hossie: Well, I'm not sure, <1?1> I honestly don't know all of
that, <1?1> I was <1?1> in let's say the primary target.
- <1?1> Signal fade/static/other poor signal problem.
- RP: Now what was the nickname of this, what was the name of this horse?
- Hossie: I have no idea.
- RP: You forget the name.
- Hossie: I don't know that I ever knew it.
- RP: Did you often have sex with this Shetland mare, or was it kind of
like a one-night stand?
- Hossie: She was the first, and that was the only time with her.
- RP: Did she offer any objection?
- Hossie: No.
- RP: Did she want any oats or barley afterward?
- Hossie: <laughs> Well, she didn't say anything ... <1?1> a
good scratching behind the ears, and...
- <1?1> Signal fade/static/other poor signal problem.
- RP: That was enough?
- Hossie: and, a good brush down, yup.
- RP: Did she offer any objections, as if this was not normal?
- Hossie: No, she didn't. I didn't have her tied up or restrained in any
way, she didn't try to step away, she didn't ...
- RP: She had the right to say "no" in other words.
- Hossie: Oh yes.
- RP: Yes, and... but she did ...
- Hossie: There's no way I could have caught her if she hadn't, if she had
not wanted me to catch her.
- RP: So Mark Matthews, you think this Shetland mare in some way wanted to
have sex with you.
- Hossie: I wouldn't go that far, that's pretty anthropomorphic.
- RP: Oh?
- Hossie: Actually I would say that basically whatever I was doing didn't
bother her.
- RP: Did you have a sense of guilt, that you had violated the Shetland
- Hossie: Yes, I did, 'course I'd violated social standards and taboos.
And I was aware of that.
- RP: How long did the guilt last?
- Hossie: until the next time I saw an available horse.
- RP: Okay, and how much time elapsed between the first instance with that
beautiful pinto-colored Shetland mare to your second horse, was it a day, a
week a month a year ...
- Hossie: Oh I would say about two and a half months.
- RP: Two and a half MONTHS?
- Hossie: Mm-hm, yeah, it was in a different area, we had changed
residence in that time.
- RP: What kind of horse was that, Mark?
- Hossie: It was another Shetland, although this one was a white shaggy
- Shetland, .....
- <1?1> Signal fade/static/other poor signal problem.
- RP: Did you find this Shetland mare also attractive?
- Hossie: Yes I did.
- RP: What was it about this mare that you found attractive?
- Hossie: Well, partly that she WAS a mare.
- RP: Yes.
- Hossie: And that, after my experience with the first I found out that
mares happen to have an interesting trick.
- RP: Which are?
- Hossie: Uh...
- RP: And remember this is a family show!
- Hossie: Right! That's ... <laughs> ...
- <1?1> Signal fade/static/other poor signal problem.
- ...Basically they have a muscular control that ... well, if women had
the same ... if most women had the same control, I'm not saying some might
not, ... their husbands wouldn't stray much.
- RP: So you're saying this particular second Shetland mare had such
control over the vaginal area that she was able to give you great pleasure.
- Hossie: Yes. Well, in fact they, almost all mares have that.
- RP: They do? And do the mares know that you're having sex with them?
- Hossie: I guess so, because they start that response.
- RP: Yeah.
- Hossie: It's, actually they have a mobile, clitoris, and they bring that
up into contact with what ever's penetrating them.
- RP: And they don't seem to object?
- Hossie: No no. Well now, there've been a few that've objected, and as
soon as I've discerned that they weren't ...
- RP: interested
- Hossie: Weren't willing, you know, I'm not stupid enough to, uh, try to
force my attentions on something with, with powerful muscles and hard hooves
and so forth.
- RP: Do you watch the Kentucky Derby with kind of a longing eye?
- Hossie: yes I do, as a matter of fact.
- RP: You kinda like that.
- Hossie: Um-hm, Um-hm.****
- RP: Let's take a short break. Please hold on, and I know our news
department, our crack news staff has well-oiled ... the, the weather
sounder, who have this going and they also have tonight's show on in the
news room, they seldom do that but there is some interest in our news room
about this topic. So let's take a short break and we'll continue with more,
Mark Matthews is the fella's name, "Obsessions of a Zoophile, The Horseman"
is the name of the book, and we're going to go back to him in a couple of
minutes here, if you have a call, if you have a question of Mark Matthews,
749-7000. Call now, we'll get you on the air, it's now 9:31 p.m. on 700,
- <News and commercials>
- <Station ID, over "Happy Trails To You" sung by Roy Rogers>
- RP: <sings "Happy Trails to You" with Roy Rogers>
- RP: All right, my guest this evening, "The Horseman: Obsessions of a
Zoophile", Mark Matthews, the book is in all the stores. Mark, let's ask,
I'll ask you a few generic questions, then we'll get into more specifics.
Over the last, 26 years or so, how many different horses have you made love
- Hossie: ... Oh my. I would say probably close to 30.
- RP: And how many different sexual acts have you had with the horses?
Maybe hundreds?
- Hossie: <chuckles>
- <horse whinny sound-bite>
- Hossie: well the multiple acts have, have, been in the last few years
- and that's been, divided between two horses,
- RP: Two horses.
- Hossie: just one at a time.
- RP: What are the names of your two favorite horses now?